Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving season, we are grateful for patients like you who have trusted us with your care. We know you have several options when choosing a health care provider and sincerely appreciate having the opportunity to be of service to you. May your Thanksgiving be filled with family, friends and good eats that are part of a well-balance nutrition plan and healthy life style! (Look, we are physicians, after all!)

Here are some tips to stay mindful and healthy today!

  • Stay hydrated. Make sure to drink water throughout the day to control your hunger.
  • Use a smaller plate. Studies show that using a smaller plate can cause you to eat less.
  • Skip the seconds. Wait at least 20 minutes (the amount it takes to know if you are full) to know if you truly want more food.
  • Get enough sleep. Make sure to try and get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  • Be careful of liquid calories. Skip the cocktails and opt for lower calorie drinks.
  • Chew slowly. Chewing slowly is simply better for digestion and more satisfying than rushing through your meal.
  • Dance! Have a dance party with your family members and get moving.
  • Go outside. Go for an early morning jog or walk.
  • Focus on family and friends. Thanksgiving isn’t all about food, but about spending some quality time with your friends and family.