The Benefits of Hemorrhoidal Banding

Hemorrhoids are packets or clusters of swollen blood vessels inside the rectum or anus. More common in adults, hemorrhoids can cause anal pain, discomfort, and itching.

Typically, hemorrhoids can be treated at home with a high-fiber diet, daily sitz baths, cold compress, and over-the-counter topical creams. However, hemorrhoids that do not respond to home remedies and other treatment measures warrant hemorrhoidal banding.

In this article, we will talk about what hemorrhoidal banding is and what benefits it offers. Additionally, we will also talk about a reputable digestive health care center that you can visit that offers effective hemorrhoidal banding near you.

What Is Hemorrhoidal Banding?

Hemorrhoidal banding, otherwise known as rubber band ligation, is an effective treatment option for internal hemorrhoids – hemorrhoids that form on the lining of the anus and rectum.

Hemorrhoidal banding is an outpatient procedure, meaning you don’t have to stay overnight in the hospital. It involves the application of the topical anesthetic to your rectum. People who have painful hemorrhoids or multiple hemorrhoids may require general anesthesia.

After the administration of anesthesia, the GI doctor inserts an endoscope into the rectum, which is a long tube with a light at one end,which allows the doctor to identify and reach hemorrhoids. After reaching the hemorrhoid,the GI doctor insertsa litigator through the endoscope. A litigator is a small instrument that is used to tie a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid.The process is repeated for each hemorrhoid. Tying the base of the hemorrhoids cuts off the blood supply to the affected area, causing hemorrhoids to shrink and eventually fall off within a few days.

Benefits Of Hemorrhoidal Banding

Hemorrhoidal banding offers numerous benefits, including:

Nonsurgical Procedure

Hemorrhoidal banding is a nonsurgical procedure which means it does not involve making any incision to detect or reach the hemorrhoids. This makes it a safe procedure compared to surgical interventions for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Permanent Solution for Hemorrhoids

Unlike home treatments like topical creams, cold compresses, oral pain relievers, and a high-fiber diet that provide symptomatic relief, hemorrhoidal banding offer permanent solution for itchy and painful hemorrhoids. Furthermore, the chances of hemorrhoids returningafter a successful treatment are very low.

It is a Highly Successful

Hemorrhoidal banding is highly successful at treating internal hemorrhoids. Are recent study published in the journal Diseases of the Colon & Rectum found that rubber band ligation was successful in about 8 in 10 people.

The Procedure Is Virtually Painless

Rubber band ligation is considered a virtually painless procedure. Using special equipment and tools, a GI doctor put a tiny rubber band on the base of the hemorrhoids. Since there are no nerves at the base of hemorrhoids, the banding does not cause the patient any pain.

It Offers Rapid Recovery

After hemorrhoidal banding, the hemorrhoids dry up and fall off on their own.The patient may not even notice dried hemorrhoids since they usually pass with the bowel movement. This entire process takes justone to two weeks to occur.

Hemorrhoidal Banding Near Me in California

If you think you or your loved one is having painful and itchy hemorrhoids and you are looking for hemorrhoidal banding near you, look no further. At Genensis Healthcare Partners HealthCare, we have a team of highly trained and skilled GI specialists who regularly use hemorrhoidal banding to remove hemorrhoids. Our GI specialists also provide individualized recommendations to prevent hemorrhoids from coming back.

If you would like to make an appointment with one of our gastro doctor, call our GI clinic nearest you or use our simpleappointment request form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!