Colon Polyps and Aging: Special Considerations for Seniors

Most people who have colon polyps are 50+, and the risk for colon polyps continues to rise each passing decade.
Colon Polyps and Aging: Special Considerations for Seniors

As we age, our bodies change in countless ways. Unfortunately, some of those changes can increase the risk of colon polyps, which are growths in the large intestine that can lead to cancer.

While colon polyps can affect people of all ages, seniors are particularly vulnerable. Let’s talk about colon polyps and aging and explore some of the special considerations for seniors. Additionally, we will discuss colon cancer screening schedule for seniors.

What Are Colon Polyps?

Colon polyps are growths that develop on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. They’re quite common, affecting approximately 20% of adults overall and about 40% of individuals over the age of 50.

The majority of colon polyps are harmless, but certain types can evolve into colon cancer over time. Polyps are categorized based on their shape—either pedunculated (attached to the colon by a stalk) or sessile (flat and attached directly to the colon wall)—and their microscopic features.

Colon polyps are also classified based on their ability to turn into cancerous cells. For instance, neoplastic polyps can grow into cancer, while non-neoplastic polyps do not carry this risk.

Most colon polyps do not exhibit any symptoms; however, some individuals may experience colorectal bleeding, changes in bowel movements, or iron deficiency anemia.

Colon Polyps and Aging

The prevalence of colon polyps increases significantly with age. With that being said, most people who have colon polyps are 50 or older, and the risk for colon polyps continues to rise each passing decade.

This increased risk is attributed to a combination of factors, including:

Family History of Colon Cancer or Polyps

If you have a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who has had colon polyps or colon cancer, your risk of developing these conditions increases significantly. This heightened risk could be due to shared genetic factors or similar environmental exposures within families.

Personal History of Colon Polyps

A past occurrence of colon polyps elevates the risk of future polyp formation. This is because the presence of previous polyps might indicate an ongoing susceptibility to developing new ones.


Dietary habits play a significant role in colon health. Diets low in fiber and high in red and processed meats are linked to an increased risk of colon polyps. High-fiber diets promote healthy bowel movements, and help reduce the time that waste stays in the colon, potentially reducing the risk of polyp formation.


Smoking is a well-known risk factor for many diseases, including colon polyps and colon cancer. The harmful substances found in tobacco smoke can damage the DNA in cells lining the colon, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and the formation of polyps.

Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

People with IBD, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, experience ongoing inflammation in their colon and rectum. This chronic inflammation can increase the risk of developing colon polyps over time.

Certain Genetic Syndromes

Specific genetic syndromes, like Lynch syndrome (also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer or HNPCC), can significantly increase the risk of developing colon polyps and colon cancer. These syndromes involve inherited mutations in certain genes that normally help prevent cancer, leading to a higher likelihood of developing polyps.

Special Considerations for Seniors

For seniors, managing colon polyps can present unique challenges. Age-related factors such as multiple medications, the presence of other chronic conditions, and the general frailty associated with aging can complicate both the diagnosis and treatment process. Therefore, seniors must receive personalized care that considers their overall health status.

Adjustments in Screening Methods

Some seniors may have underlying medical conditions that make certain screening methods more difficult or risky. In these cases, GI doctors may recommend a different screening method or adjust the screening schedule.

For instance, if a senior has a high risk of complications with colonoscopy, non-invasive screening options like stool-based tests may be considered.

Discomfort and Preparation-Related Issues with Screening Methods

Due to age, seniors may experience more discomfort or preparation-related issues with certain screening methods. This could include difficulty tolerating bowel prep or discomfort during the procedure. These factors may require their GI doctor to make necessary adjustments in the screening process.

Anxiety and Fear Associated with Colonoscopy

It’s also worth mentioning that seniors may be more anxious or fearful of colonoscopy than younger adults. This fear could stem from various factors, including fear of the procedure itself, the results, and the risks associated with the procedure.

To address this, healthcare providers should ensure that seniors are well-informed about the procedure, its benefits, and risks. Patient education, reassurance, and sometimes, the use of mild sedation can help alleviate these fears.

Personalized Care for Seniors

Colon cancer screening procedures, such as colonoscopy, should be tailored to seniors’ overall health and preferences. This means taking into account their overall health status, potential risks, and personal preferences when deciding on the most appropriate screening method and schedule.

Importance of Early Detection

The majority of colon polyps do not cause symptoms, making regular screenings crucial for early detection. Seniors should work with their healthcare providers to determine the appropriate screening schedule based on their individual risk factors.

Typically, the frequency of colon cancer screening for seniors is guided by their age, overall health status, and personal medical history. Here are some general recommendations:

Ages 45-75: Regular Screenings

It’s generally recommended that adults within this age bracket continue to have colonoscopies every 10 years, given they are of average risk and their previous screenings were clear.

Age 76-85: Personalized Approach

For individuals aged between 76 and 85, the decision to continue with colon cancer screenings should be determined individually. This decision is often based on the person’s overall health, expected lifespan, unique circumstances, and history of previous screenings.

Recent research suggests that colonoscopies done after the age of 75 can greatly lower the mortality rate from colon cancer.

Age 85 and Above: Balancing Risks and Benefits

Health experts typically do not recommend routine colonoscopies for people over the age of 85, as the potential complications from the procedure might surpass its benefits.

However, this doesn’t imply that screenings should be completely discontinued. The choice should instead be dictated by an individual’s health condition, benefits, and risks associated with the procedure.

Colon Polyp Near Me in California

At Genensis Healthcare Partners, we have a team of board-certified, fellowship-trained gastroenterologists who are dedicated to detecting and treating life-threatening digestive conditions like colon cancer early. Our GI doctors will assess your medical history and symptoms, discuss all the options available for colon cancer screening, and recommend the most suitable one for you based on your general health, preferences, and risk for colon cancer.

To learn more or set up a consultation with one of our providers, call our GI clinic nearest you or use our convenient appointment request form. We look forward to serving you!