Can Our Furry Friends Help Us Relieve Stress?

For those feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or worn-out and lack a feeling of zealously in their life may be in luck! We may have found a new prescription for the blues. A new study conducted by the BBC Worldwide joint with the University of California at Berkeley prescribes not a drug or meditation regiment for such patients, but some allotted time each day watching a nature documentary.

Research details that even short interaction with nature and animal footage leads to a significant increase in positive emotions. Emotions experienced include awe, contentedness, joy and amusement. A quick look of photos of kittens, puppies and mother giraffes giving birth suggests higher levels of comfort and happiness.

Scientists say that significance of this research is immense; as we know that wonder and contentment are the foundations of human happiness. This study establishing that a connection to nature is critical to a person’s health and well being. This seems to indicate that access to nature, both physical and on film and in imagery, can help reduce and manage the stress of everyday life.

To help those who may need some comfort and passion in their normal routine here are some photos of our furry friends to bring us joy!

Research and Content Obtained from: Modern Health Care Magazine

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